In 1986, with arch. Silvia Pizzocaro, I won the competition announced by Renault Italia (Renault 4 On the Roads of the World - Adventure, Culture and Research) and we will travel almost 11,000 km of roads, tracks, savannas and deserts between Kenya and Tanzania, pushing as far as the borders of Ethiopia and Uganda
Nel 1986, con l'arch. Silvia Pizzocaro, vinco il concorso indetto da Renault Italia (Renault 4 Sulle Strade del Mondo - Avventura, Cultura e Ricerca) e percorreremo quasi 11,000 km di strade, piste, savane e deserti tra Kenya e Tanzania, spingendoci fino a confini con Etiopia ed Uganda
Giorgio Martino driving his Renault 4GTL 1.100 cc near Ukunda - Kenya
Giorgio Martino alla guida della sua Renault 4GTL 1.100 cc nei pressi di Ukunda - Kenya
Driving on the Equator
Driving near Kitambula - Tanzania
Mombasa - Kenya

Tanga - Tanzania

Zanzibar - Stone Town Harbour

Renault 4 Sinpar 4x4
We are back home
Into the bush
In the jungle
My map
Near a village - Kenya
On the bridge
On the road
Near the Indian Ocean

Near the ruins

Zanzibar - Stone Town Harbour
Welcome to Mombasa
Some pics of my 111 day travel troughout Kenya and Tanzania - 1986
Alcune foto del mio viaggio di 111 giorni attraverso il Kenya e la Tanzania


Some drawings for Renault Automobiles - Italy
Alcuni disegni per Renault Automobili - Italia