Samarth Kirloskar è un product designer indiano, nato a Pune e laureato a Milano, con grandi capacità di analisi, elaborazione e sintesi.
E' stato in MOLTOMENO.DESIGN sin dal primo minuto ed ha contribuito ad ogni fase di questa avventura: dalla organizzazione, all'analisi e sviluppo dei progetti fino alla comunicazione aziendale.
Ha seguito il processo dei primi progetti in ogni step e, insieme al fondatore Giorgio Martino, ha ricoperto il ruolo di Chief Designer coordinando i vari collaboratori e fornitori.
Attualmente Samarth lavora presso una delle più importanti aziende italiane di droni come designer e sviluppatore di progetti innovativi.
Samarth Kirloskar is an Indian product designer, born in Pune and graduated from Milan, with great analytical, processing and synthesis skills.
He has been in MOLTOMENO.DESIGN from the very first minute and has contributed to every step of this adventure: from the organization, to the analysis and development of the projects to the corporate communication.
He followed the process of the first projects and every step on the way and, together with founder Giorgio Martino, served as Chief Designer coordinating the various collaborators and suppliers.
Currently Samarth works at one of the most important Italian drone companies as a designer and developer of innovative projects
He has been in MOLTOMENO.DESIGN from the very first minute and has contributed to every step of this adventure: from the organization, to the analysis and development of the projects to the corporate communication.
He followed the process of the first projects and every step on the way and, together with founder Giorgio Martino, served as Chief Designer coordinating the various collaborators and suppliers.
Currently Samarth works at one of the most important Italian drone companies as a designer and developer of innovative projects
I primi lavori di MOLTOMENO.DESIGN, sviluppati insieme a Giorgio Martino, sono stati presentati durante il Fuorisalone della Milano Design Week 2019.
The first works of MOLTOMENO.DESIGN, developed together with Giorgio Martino, were presented during the Fuorisalone of Milan Design Week 2019.